Do not be a victim to the morning madness of frantically running around looking for clean underwear, homework, permission slips, milk money and keys. Get organized now before school starts. Get a plan of action. Start thinking about where the kids are going to dump their stuff when they come home. Designate a basket or even a colored dishpan for each member.
All their stuff should go in there as soon as they get home. No need to go running around the house the next morning looking for things. Check out
this website for the most adorable baskets and storage solutions!
Another great tip, is you may want to set the breakfast table the night before. This will be one less thing to worry about.
Have a meal plan. With sport schedules and dance recitals, it’s easier to have a meal plan for the week. When you’re making your meal plan, check the calendar, see what the week looks like, and plan from that. You may want to check out
MY FAV RECIPE SITE and get some simple meals for those busy days and nights of practice and games.
Also, start thinking about bedtime now! You do not want to wait till the night before school to implement the new bedtime. About a week or two before school starts, begin sending the kids to bed a little earlier each night. Wake them up a little earlier each day also. Get their internal clocks ready for school hours. This includes meals.
If your kids are used to eating lunch at noon and a snack at two, that might not be possible during school. Hold the kids off snacks until the time they would arrive home from school. This way they will get used to the “feeding schedule” and their tummies will not be growling during science class.
Don’t forget that breakfast on school days should be healthy and well balanced. Research has shown that kids who don’t eat breakfast are less able to learn at school, get less iron (an important nutrient) in their diets, and are more likely to have a higher BMI (body mass index), which is a sign they may be overweight.
On the other hand, kids who eat breakfast do better in school, are more likely to participate in physical activities, and tend to eat healthier overall. So this school year don’t let your children run out the door on an empty stomach. Fuel up with a healthy breakfast!
Be excited about the new school year. Your children will follow your lead. So lead by example. Start pumping them up and getting them excited about the new things they will learn, the new friends they will make, the new sports they may try, etc. Get their attitude positive for learning and having fun in school. The lazy days of summer are nearing an end and the frantic daze of school is heading our way.